14 Haziran 2013 Cuma


Mesut: http://mgogceoglu.blogspot.com/2013/06/reflection-on-article.html?showComment=1371241115206#c8122580274774297440

Merve Güllü: http://gullumerve.blogspot.com/2013/06/second-term-journal-entry-4.html?showComment=1371241855955

Mizgin: http://yektaduhan.blogspot.com/2013/05/artical-journal-3.html?showComment=1371242284887#c587174799337817700

Gülçin: http://gulcindudukcu.blogspot.com/2013/06/article-reflection-1.html?showComment=1371242779483#c4060111982274825682

Revised Journal Entry 2: Game of Thrones

Hello everyone!I'd like to introduce you my favourite television series called Game of Thrones. This drama series created for HBO by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, G.R.R. Martin's series of fantasy novel, the first of which titled Game of Thrones.

The story set on fictional continents called Westros and Essos at the end of a decade-long summer, integrates several plot lines. The first of these  plot lines includes stories of Seven Kingdoms of Iron Throne. Several of those houses has civil war between for this Iron throne; the second covers the rising threat of the upcoming winter and the mythical creatures of the North; the third chronicles have the attempts of the exiled last scion of realm's deposed dynasty to reclaim the throne and so the story begins! 

I haven't seen such an exciting tv series so far because you can't presume what will going on or who will certainly take the Iron Throne or who will die... Writer of the books has some kind of pitiless attitude towards the characters because everyone can die in any moment with a shocking effect. 

Let me tell you the story of it little bit. There are seven kingdoms of one big house ruling all of them. The hose possesses the Iron Throne is the House of Lannister. Other prominent houses are Starks and Targaryen. House of Starks is positioned through the North. It is the only house between The Wall and the other houses. By the way,(punctiation)The Wall is the border for wild people living in the most North part of the continent and the unknown creatures.

Several of the other houses names are Baratheon, Tully, Arryn, Clegane, Greyjoy, Tyrell,  Mormont. I'm a big supporter of the House of Targaryen because I admire the determination and fairness of the Daenerys Targaryen, the queen of the house. 

Revised Entry 1:At Home with Mamma

First of all I want to explain you why I chose this topic to write reflection. What I find interesting is despite the common belief in Turkey not every young adult in USA doesn't leave their parent's house. This process in USA goes similar to how it goes in Turkey according to the passage I read.

I somehow agree with the idea of staying with parents may be beneficial economically but it is beneficial just economically not psychologically or in some other aspects of life. The passage says that quite a few individuals staying with their parents are happy and doing this voluntarily. They are staying with their parent because they need extra money or they get divorced. When life gets hard the only thing seeming right and convenient is going to your mummy’s warm arms sometimes. However, according to my opinion it is not the right choice. The ones having hard times in their lives have to learn to deal with the troubles they have.

We always think that the things about leaving someone his or her parents’ home are different from the things in Turkey. However, the passage shows us the opposite. According to this passage most of the single people are living with their parents surprisingly. As I mentioned before there are more hazardous effects of staying with parents than positive effects.

 First of all, situation which forces you to staying with your parents affects your psychological condition. In addition to this hardship, add your parents’ behaviours limiting your freedom and demanding to live according to their thoughts.  I assume that this condition may lead someone to have more deeper psychological problem more than the hardship you came across before moving out your parents’ home.

Secondly, I want to mention further effects of living with parents on someone. In my opinion this situation makes cause to lose someone his or her self-confidence because this situation shows that you can’t make it on your own. Also if we think about it deep down it may even lead to depression. 

Article Reflection 4: Four Kinds of Chance

Rabbit’s feet, horseshoes, and four-leaf clovers have been keeping men, women, and children “lucky” for centuries in American culture. People receive a pure form of happiness from walking down the street and discovering the five dollar bill lying on the corner of the road. Was that there for a reason, pure chance, or is it just some uncommon happening to make us smile?   It is said to be that there are four types of chance, all of different genres. Most do not recognize the opposition between the kinds, but writings have shown that we can easily distinguish the fortunate commodities of our lives.
The first kind of chance is what is known as the “blind luck”. This type could occur in anyone’s life at anytime. Chance type number one may surprise you subtlety or could perhaps be life-changing. The person who comes upon this so-called easy luck takes no individual part in his/her fortune. There is a downfall to this joyful chance of fate. The key word in the previous sentence is chance. This type is much less frequent and most of us do not have the time or patience to wait for it. Although, when it does grant us with its presence we usually do not mind.
Chance number two connects   fate and personal involvement. More or less this type of luck can be described as the harder you work for a goal the easier it can be obtained. Charles Kettering voiced, “I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down.” Primarily, this man is saying to attain what you want you might have to try for it. 
The third of likelihood takes somewhat more individual attention. You will find in chance three that it is hidden blind luck. It is uneasily observed to the common human except for that one person who is destined to detect it. This type of luck favors the recipient and his/her mind. Sagacity is the term we associate with this chance. It enhances the personal receptivity involved in it.   Even so, we tend to lose sight of this term.

Media Entry 4: Bang Bang

Some may claim that guns kill the innocent people, and so using guns should be definitely banned. However, they miss the whole point. The point is that it is not the guns killing those innocent people, it is the humans themselves killing the people or we can say their intentions are what kill the people. People having good intentions buys a gun to defend himself or his family. Nonetheless,  people having bad intentions may use a gun as a murder item or  may even sell a gun to a murderer. We can give the gunman attack to middle school in USA as an exaple fo this. In that situation, it is not the gun which is resposbile fort his, it is the one holding gun is guilty. Another group of people think that there is no other usage of the gun but killing  people and creating crime. This group is wrong as well because there are varieties of using the gun in all of the people’s lives from self defense to hunting. There are a number of people who make a life with hunting or we can think about being a policeman as an example of occupation requires gun.

To sum up, just banning the legal ways of buying gun is not enough to hold back criminals from killing the blameless people. Even though there would be gun ban laws in regulation, criminals would find a way to get one fo themselves especially in illegal ways from black marketin to stealing a gun. As a consequence, there would be lots of unprotected people living in fear. As we can see in the examples of the states trying to use gun ban laws, it is not a convenent way to stop criminals. Also, we can’t just accuse the gun for killing the people and get out of under this big problem. We should consider people having bad intentions and their reasons to commit crime with gun and accuse this person. As Ted Nudgent says: "To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.’’ To prevent these problematic people from using gun, we need to think a way of controling the illegal ways of buying a gun.

Reflection Journal 5: Bang Bang

There is a  debated topic in USA recently, especially after the terrible armed attack to a school in December 2012. The topic is whether having gun should be completely banned or not. In USA, acquiring a gun is so simple that anyone wanting to have a gun can get it within one or two days. Add to the easiness of acquiring a gun in legal ways, there are easier ways to get a gun which are called private-party sales and, of course, black market. A great number of the crimes include handgun, and these crimes are the serious problems of America right now. Although there is such a big problem, people who live in this problem cannot arrange settlement to what should be done about the problem. Some gun control supporter claim that banning all the guns would be enough to stop criminals committing crime with guns; yet, banning handguns or guns in general is not enough to prevent criminals from using guns; so, there is no use banning using of guns.

Gun ban laws prohibiting the citizens using gun fail to protect them, these laws may put them in great danger, however. Citizens who do not have guns become vulnerable to criminals because criminals are often red blooded, and they may do everything to get what they want and if their need is a gun, it is really simple to get one from black market or even from private-party sales. When you take the right of having the gun from the innocent citizens, they lose their choice to defend themselves against armed criminals.Moreover, there are quite interesting statistics about the crime rate when gun usage is banned in particular states. On September 24, 1976, Washington, D.C. placed a ban on all handguns; the ban was later overturned on June 26, 2008. Under the regulations of this law, no one other than a police officer was permitted to own a handgun. Authors Agresti and Smith (2010) state that “during the years in which the D.C. handgun ban and trigger lock law were in effect, the Washington, D.C. murder rate averaged 73% higher than it was at the outset of the law, while the U.S. murder rate averaged 11% lower.” (Agresti & Smith, 2010).  A second example of the ineffectiveness of banning handguns is that of Chicago, Illinois. In 1982, Chicago passed a ban on all handguns, except for those that were pre-registered with the police department prior to the ban. According to statistics of Illinois, the percentage of crimes committed with guns varied between 40 percent and 55 percent each year during the pre-ban period. In the years the gun ban was in place, the percentage committed with guns has been 70 percent or more.(Agresti & Smith, 2010). In both examples, we can see how insufficient the gun ban laws were in the past years.        

The second thing proving the paucity of gun ban laws is that there are always other ways to access guns. There are private-party gun sales and you can buy as many guns as you want anonymously. Add to that, private-party sales are not illegal, which causes serious problems when these guns are party to a crime. There is also a big gun trade called black marketing but it is an illegal way to acquire gun unlike to private-party sales. Furthermore, stealing a gun is another alternative way to have a gun for criminals because they have nothing to lose more. All of these ways whether they are illegal or not become a serious problem of citizens when gun ban regulations are realized. Everyone can understand what would be the consequences of the gun ban laws when there are these easy options to get a gun.

Media Entry 3: Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold

This is my favourite song of Avenged Sevenfold. This song also is the title of the album in which it is found. Genre of this song is country rock ballad. This song has to do more with being away from the girl he loves because he's touring, "A lonely road, crossed another cold state line Miles away from those I love purpose undefined." Clearly he misses her A LOT "Can't help but think of the times I've had with you Pictures and some memories will have to help me through." He left when he was still getting to know her now he doesn't know if anything will change, "We all need the person who can be true to you I left her when I found her And now I wish I'd stayed."