500 Days Of Summer is one of the best examples among the romantic films. I can say that this movie is my favourite in romantic genre because it makes me feel bountiful emotions at the same time. I felt pity, happy, sad, fear so on so forth. I’m pretty sure that all of the girl in our section would cry, if they watched this film.
To be honest, I cried really bad at some scenes. I know that I’m weepy but I also know that even men would come within an ace of cry.
As for the characters in the movie; there are two main characters like every romantic film. The girl named Summer is a little bit childish and crazy girl; on the contrary, boy named Tom is quite a introverted and dull guy. Tom saw Summer in the elevator going to their offices for the first time while he was listening The Smiths-There is a light that never goes out, then he fell in love with her immediately. Even though Tom was an architect, he was working in a office making celebration cards. Summer was the new employer of this office. He started to seek ways to grab her attention and to ask go out.
As it appears from its name, the film based on 500 days of their relationship. But you cannot see every day and they don’t appear consecutively. For instance, after they start dating we see couple of moments from 20th day and after this, we see 400th day. It can be seem little bit confusing but it is not.
Finally, I want to tell you about one and the most dramatic scene from the movie. After day broke up, they came across in a train and she invited him to a party in her house. He accepted the offer without hesitation and with lots of expectation. The scene I’m talking about like two screens at the same time. One of them shows reality and the other one shows Tom’s expectations. I don’t want to spoil the film but that scene made me cry a lot.
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